rita isadora pessoa



a minha miragem é outra
tenho lábios dormentes e certezas solúveis em vodca
visões de fetos crescendo em aquários uterinos

entoo mantras indígenas baixinho
pelo centro da cidade
sem sapato sem dedos
pelo caminho deixo pedaços de pele
nacos de carne salgada
para secar nas calçadas
junto de iguanas e anfíbios

vejo sereias no asfalto
ondulando caudas azuis
penduradas pelos cabelos
nos postes nos trilhos

digo o teu nome em voz alta
feito invocação
acompanho desde então
tuas pegadas leves
[tuas palavras rarefeitas
me acertam em cheio
e sangram as gengivas]


a verdade é que não sei me proteger

me desvio como posso de você
em parábola
esguia e tristonha
sigo sua dupla hélice
     em riste
           até o fim

descanso soberana no metrô em chamas
entre dúzias de lótus


                                 a minha miragem é outra



my mirage is another
I have numb lips and vodka-soluble certainties
visions of fetuses growing in uterine aquariums

intoning indigenous chants
through the city center
without shoes without toes
along the way I leave pieces of skin
chunks of pickled meat
to dry on the sidewalks
along with the iguanas and amphibians

I see mermaids on the asphalt
undulating blue tails
suspended by their hair
on the light poles on the rails

I shout your name
as invocation
I have followed since then
your slight footprints
[your rarefied words
that hit me full
and cut my gums]


the truth is that I don’t know how to protect myself

I detour as I can from you
in parabolas
slender and sad
I follow your double-helix
           till the end

resting regally in the flaming metro
amongst dozens of lotuses




                                 my mirage is another

—translated by leonardo marona, matheus bueno, and sean negus
Rita Isadora Pessoa (1984) was born in Rio de Janeiro and graduated in Psychology. She studied the poet Sylvia Plath for her master’s degree in Psychoanalytical Theory (UFRJ) and concluded her PhD in Comparative Literature (UFF) in 2018, in which she researched the double in her veiled and animal mode. She works as a translator, reviewer, astrologer and tarotist. Poems of hers are published in several literary magazines and in the anthologies At our feet, (7letras), High-seas (7letras), The extraction of days: Brazilian poetry now (Scamander). Her first poetry book, Life in Volcanoes, was released in 2016, by Editora Oito e Meio.